Flow Rope Care

Let's remove the guess work when it comes to taking care of your flow ropes. 

Gear pre and post care shouldn't have to be complicated which is why I've created this this comprehensive guide on Youtube, unlike any other on the internet! In this video, you will find many helpful tips wherever your flow rope is on the spectrum of its life cycle!

The video goes much more in depth as it covers how to take care, maintain, and repair your flow ropes.

However, if you are new or want a quick scan for tips I've consolidated this 40 minute video down to a few paragraphs tailored for beginners.

Setting Expectations:

  • Your flow ropes are considered consumables. The more you use it, the more you consume it. 
  • Your flow ropes are made with countless of synthetic fibers. This is important to remember. 
  • Friction contributes to "wear and tear" - exposing the synthetic fibers to abrasion. (Think of the part of the rope that hits the ground over and over again.)
  • "Swelling" - If you own a rope with a separate handle (such as a heavy rope) or one that is NOT knotted, you may notice "swelling" right above the handle. This is normal and happens because when this type of rope is made, another rope is used to make up the "handles". The handles are made out of thinner ropes in which is winded up and tightened around. The rope area where to handle is installed then becomes compressed - pushing up the extra material on top of the handle. As you use the rope, you may notice your rope "open up". 
  • Wear and tear is part of its life cycle. It is normal.
  • Flow ropes are not always made with the same material.  This means they will NOT show wear and tear the same way, or the same speed. Where and how often you use it are also contributors.

Easy Tips To Take Care Of Your Flow Rope

Disclaimer: These tips are simply recommendations, tailored for those who want to prolong the life of their gear. 

  • Keep It Dry - As much as possible, try to avoid getting it wet. When flow ropes get wet, they are exposed to rope shrinkage. When not properly dried, it is exposed to mildew and/or mold build up.
  • Surface Matters - Harsher surfaces will lead to more "wear and tear". Smoother surfaces will lead to less "wear and tear". Use a yoga mat, puzzle mat, or smoother surface to avoid harsh abrasion if desired.
  • Proper Storage - Storing your flow rope in a rope bag or a Slush Hook is to your benefit.
  • Remove Added Knots After Each Use - A great way to practice after care. By doing so, you can avoid a knot permanently getting stuck on your rope and deforming the shape of the rope. Important: this happens OVER TIME. Not overnight. 

Common Practices:

  • YES, people still flow at the beach or by the water regardless of the recommendation stated above. Your flow rope, ultimately, will be just fine :)
  • YES, people still flow on harsh surfaces and their flow ropes are just fine. Flowing on harsh surfaces speeds up the wear and tear. That's all ! If you don't mind seeing "love marks" on your rope, feel free to use it as you please :) 
  • YES, people actually own multiple ropes for multiple environments! It is common for experienced athletes and flow artists to have an indoor, outdoor, and "beater" rope. By having a dedicated rope, it eliminates a lot decisions that you need to make.

Do's and Do Not's:

  • Shorten Your Rope - Do so by adding extra knots. Do Not CUT.
  • Cleaning - Do so by using a disinfectant spray or wipe. Do Not use washer.
  • Drying -  Do so by drying with a fan for 24 hours. Do Not use dryer or sun dry.
  • Protection - Do store in rope bag or Slush Hook. Do Not put flow rope near zippers as it may get caught and pull strands of fibers.
  • Removing Parts - Do not remove (or undo) handles. Tampering with the product design will void your Lifetime Guarantee.

Designer Series:

Designed by Slush. Dedicated to those who see life thru the lens of art, with movement. All products here are seasonal and features art on the ropes.